Monday, November 17, 2008
unit 6 #1
Honestly its not good to be an any ones business. Their has been a few times i have been in someone else business and end up having everything looking bad on me.So its best to just stay out of it cause you don't wanna be in a bad predicament because you couldn't mind your own business. I was in this person business because the two that had an issue was my friend and cousin so i felt i should put in my opinion and i ended up looking as the bad person so fixed the situation on my behalf and from this day i try to stay to myself and stay out of other peoples business.It is never cool or appropriate for you to get into any ones business because they could turn the game around on you, and then you'll be looked at as the bad person. People should mind their own business at all times because getting into other peoples business makes nothing good for you but drama and plus when you tend to your own issues and no one Else's you tend not to be as stressed i know because i use to stay in peoples business and when i stopped & focused on me i felt alto better not only that but when you are in someone Else's business 9 times out of 10 someone else is in yours so its best to stay to yourself like me and now i accomplish alto more now.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Unit 5 Assignment #5
Ghost Dance
Iindustrial and technological advances
A merican Federation of Labor
G eorge Westinghouse
Iindustrial and technological advances
L abor Unions
D emocrats
E llis Island
A merican Federation of Labor
G eorge Westinghouse
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Unit5 #1
I do think that people actions are driven by money. I think that’s why many people or vary people end up in jail because the fact its quick ways to get money. In my opinion I don’t think money lead’s to happiness because money doesn’t last for ever not only that but it can lead you to unhappiness being that people can lose lives over the simple fact of money. People that have money are no better than people who don’t have money it’s maybe a state of mind that I have more money so I'm better than you, but really it isn’t true, and it doesn’t matter. I’m not sure to know how the wealth get their money but imp sure it wasn’t easy. I think in order for me to get to wealth I would need to get a good education and continue it by studying something that will lead me to good wealth and finding maybe even owning my own business. It is not a responsibility to share with others but its nice to give back o the community and to bless others with what you have that they don’t have. You don’t have to but its would be nice to plus if you do in the long run you will be blessed with something twice as better, I would call it a blessing to share your wealth with others.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Unit2 # 7 Breaking the law
Chitara Long
Since the 20th century Americans have broken the law once and plenty times again. In the year of 1846 rejecting the law of land. Mr. Thoreau refused to pay his poll taxes. This was an idea of the tax refusal as a protest tactic being raised in black communities where they are free. At this time they were declaring “No privilege –No pay”. Early in those years around 1841Charles Lenox Raymond anticipated this ‘Civil disobedience’ & argued that African Americans should go to jail if they didn’t want to pay taxes. This would discriminate against them.Thier were some people who chose to protest individual instead of in organized activism. This sized upon the practice of conscientious refusal to pay the poll tax. Three years before Thoreau, Bronson Alcott a close friend of his was arrested for the same act. Thoreau’s motive was by the fact of refusing to pay the government he would rather stay in jail. He would rather stay in jail to set an example for his community. Although Thoreau’s plan backfired on him when he was released the next morning he was angry because he wanted to set an example which was not to be done because e some one played his debt of tax poll. That one night fell short of his heroic intuition.
Since the 20th century Americans have broken the law once and plenty times again. In the year of 1846 rejecting the law of land. Mr. Thoreau refused to pay his poll taxes. This was an idea of the tax refusal as a protest tactic being raised in black communities where they are free. At this time they were declaring “No privilege –No pay”. Early in those years around 1841Charles Lenox Raymond anticipated this ‘Civil disobedience’ & argued that African Americans should go to jail if they didn’t want to pay taxes. This would discriminate against them.Thier were some people who chose to protest individual instead of in organized activism. This sized upon the practice of conscientious refusal to pay the poll tax. Three years before Thoreau, Bronson Alcott a close friend of his was arrested for the same act. Thoreau’s motive was by the fact of refusing to pay the government he would rather stay in jail. He would rather stay in jail to set an example for his community. Although Thoreau’s plan backfired on him when he was released the next morning he was angry because he wanted to set an example which was not to be done because e some one played his debt of tax poll. That one night fell short of his heroic intuition.
Unit 4 #8 Poetry

Poem 1: Riffle:
On April 12 1867 i was the riffle of a confederate, confederate Pvt. Edmund ,i shot and spotted my place of disaster in Charleston North Carolina, i was the riffle that released my hornets out of my bread basket when the hunky but dorky bullets charged from my mouth, this first shot began something big , something that would change lives and that will go into history, i am the riffle that started a new begging i am the riffle that's gone make a change, a war, a historic story i am the riffle of Fort Sumter.
Poem 2:Freedmans School:

I am Freedman's school
i am one of many Freedman's schools in postwar south.
I am here to make sure kids are top rail
I make it snug as bug
my workers make sure that the students are fit as a fiddle, and toeing the mark
must i remind you that i am Freedman's school
I am here for the students to have a place of study
to learn how to read, write, & expand their thoughts
i am bully to see kids come in and do hard case work
& at the end of the day i enjoy seeing the kids
skedaddle down the long dirt roads knowing that i will see their smiling and bright faces the next morning
so again i must mention i am Freedman's school.
Unit 2 #6 My reflection of the Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was a cruel story to read and hear about and i don't think i could have leaved in that time because of how bad the violence was all the fighting and killing going on it would be really hard for me to make it during the revolutionary time.
It would be hard to walk out and see people dead or badly injured right in front of you as you walk out of your home.Its kinda confusing i had to read it several times to actually get into this writing but i did and its really interesting but sad,and kinda crazy I'm not to fund of violence so this story probably was not the best for me.
The most shocking part for me was when i read this :the boys had dispersed he met the ten or twelve soldiers aforesaid rushing down the alley towards the square and asked them if they intended to murder people? They answered Yes, This passage here was most shocking if i heard the words come out of his mouth for myself it would have brought allot of fear and hurt to my heart. This is not anything i would ever want to experience.
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